I think this is the hardest part as I think I have written down my other encounters or have some sort of track record like emails, pictures, videos of other women. The women I’ve met at swing clubs are mostly a blur but I know I have had sex with over 200 women at these swing clubs and at swing events that were not organized by me. Some of the swing clubs I have been to are:
- Wild Bill’s Panther Palace
- Sugar Hill
- Red Rooster
- LA couples
- The Forum
- Edgewater Motel
- Power Exchange in San Francisco and Oakland
- Erik’s club in Richmond
- Club in San Diego which name I can’t remember
- Trapeze in South Florida on University
- Tampa Bukkake Parties
- The Vault in New York – Technically not a swing club
- The Dungeon? in lower Manhattan – again not sure of the name
- Swing Club in Berlin – can’t remember the name
- The Castle which is a club in the border of Holland and Germany
- Firehouse club in Hamburg
- The Boat in Holland
So that’s 15 clubs (that I can remember) and I had sex in all of them with at least 1 new woman. Now, I went to a few of them almost weekly for a period of 3-4 years so if we figure 1 new woman per week I would arrive to about 200 and that’s how I came up with that number. I will try to break down the clubs by partners but it will be challenging.